Enter the body of text here
can you identify the gene symbol for the affymetrix code ```r10700124"
Code should be placed in three backticks as shown below
include your problematic code here with any corresponding output
please also include the results of running the following in an R session
When posting it helps to think about the people you are asking for help. Your post is hidden within the dummy text that comes up when you initiate a new post, so you didn't even make the effort to clean it up to make it legible. In addition, you don't mention the Affymetrix array you are using. Remember that people answering posts are volunteering their time and expertise to help strangers on the internet - making it hard on them will tend to get your post ignored.
If you truly want an answer, come back to the support site and edit your question, removing the extraneous text and supplying the Affy array name.