I am currently developing a package that I plan to submit to Bioconductor. When I run BiocCheck::BiocCheck() I get the following warning: "WARNING: No Bioconductor dependencies detected. Note that some infrastructure packages may not have Bioconductor dependencies. For more information, reach out to the Bioconductor community and/or consider a CRAN submission."
My package does not have other Bioconductor packages as dependencies at the moment. It is designed for the analysis of metabolomics data. In metabolomics MS-spektra are often processed by packages such as "spectra" and the result are concentration tables. My package just takes concentration tables (dataframe with feature and concentration of feature at experimental condition) as input.
Does this warning mean I cannot submit to Bioconductor?
Hi Laurent,
thank you for your answer! Yes, I will use the Summarized Experiment class in package.
Best, Katja