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Hello scientific community... I was running the following command "filterAndTrim" with default parameters for trimming of 16s data in DADA2 pipeline it worked fine. The only problem I have is that it is trimming more than 95% of my reads for all samples why it is happening can anyone tell?
My Fastaq files are taken without any trimming into third-party software like cutadapt, fastp or trimmomatic. If all the reads are got trimmed how can I proceed with so little reads. Any guidance? I also tried to cut the bad sequences from the end of the sequence then most of the reads were filtered out.
out <- filterAndTrim(dataF, filt.dataF, dataR, filt.dataR, truncLen=0,
maxN=0, maxEE=Inf, truncQ=2, rm.phix=TRUE,
compress=FALSE, multithread=FALSE)
head(out) -
reads.in reads.out
AIJ_R1.fastq 63023 1565
AIZ_R1.fastq 104880 2593
AOJ_R1.fastq 76768 2029
AOZ_R1.fastq 75343 1866
FIJ_R1.fastq 68518 1615
This problem was solved when I used trimmed sequenced with fastp and used those sequences on DADA2. Raw reads can not give the desired result. Thanks.