Hi all,
I am trying to use below script for batch correction for epic array data, but not sure what R packages need for controlVariation() function? or is there another way to correct for batch effect using control probes
Load the required libraries:
Import the methylation data and sample information:
samples <- read.table("sample_table.txt", header=TRUE)
methylation_data <- read.metharray.exp("methylation_data.txt")
methylation_data <- as.matrix(methylation_data[, -1]) # Remove the first column (IDs)
colnames(methylation_data) <- samples$ID # Rename the columns with sample IDs
Preprocess the methylation data:
methylation_data <- preprocessMethylationSet(methylation_data)
Extract the control probes:
control_probes <- getEpicControlProbeIDs()
methylation_data_control <- methylation_data[control_probes, ]
Normalize the control data:
methylation_data_control <- preprocessRaw(methylation_data_control, bg.correct=TRUE, normalize="controls")
Estimate the technical variation:
control_stats <- controlVariation(methylation_data_control)
Correct for batch effects in the methylation data:
methylation_data_corrected <- preprocessRaw(methylation_data, bg.correct=TRUE, normalize="controls", control.stats=control_stats)
Many thanks, bioinfo
Where does this code come from? I am not aware of any package containing controlVariation according to a quick google search. It might come from a custom code used by the creator of this script.