I'm trying to develop a new package for Bioconductor, but I am experiencing an error when I run R CMD check
, precisely when I call the biomaRt::getBM()
Warning in readChar(con, 5L, useBytes = TRUE) : truncating string with embedded nuls Warning: file ā2a8c7fc7412c_file2a8c77d1db9cā has magic number 'X' Use of save versions prior to 2 is deprecated Error in load(bfc[[rid]]) : bad restore file magic number (file may be corrupted) -- no data loaded Calls: getGenomicRegionsFromGeneSymbols -> <Anonymous> -> load Execution halted
And when I run the same command in a normal R setting, everything goes well:
probeset_array <- c("204347_at", "202022_at", "221497_x_at", "220942_x_at", "206686_at")
flank_len <- 25
flank_stream <- "downstream"
flank_type <- "gene"
flank_stream <- paste0(flank_stream, "_flank")
flank_type <- paste0(flank_type, "_flank")
currSpecieMart <- biomaRt::useMart(biomart = "ensembl", dataset = 'hsapiens_gene_ensembl')
thisAnnotLookup <- biomaRt::getBM(mart = currSpecieMart,
attributes = c( "affy_hg_u133a", "ensembl_gene_id", "gene_biotype", "external_gene_name", "chromosome_name", "start_position", "end_position", flank_type),
filter = c("affy_hg_u133a", flank_stream),
values = list(probeset_array, flank_len),
uniqueRows = TRUE,
checkFilters = FALSE, bmHeader = TRUE)
Apparently there is a problem with the call to biomaRt::getBM()
that saves some data in a wrong way.
Any idea on how to fix this issue?