News:Ensembl release 82 is out!
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Thomas Maurel ▴ 800
Last seen 19 months ago
United Kingdom

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that the new Ensembl marts for release 82 are now live on

We are  also very happy to announce the first ever release of the Ensembl website mobile version, available on

If you are using biomaRt, you can change your host to access our most recent data (With R 2.2 and Bioconductor version 3.1):

ensembl_mart_82 <- useEnsembl(biomart=“ensembl")

  • Ensembl Genes 82
    • Renamed filters and attributes from variation to variant
    • Renamed the "Transcript length" attribute to "Transcript length (including UTRs and CDS)" 
  • Ensembl Variation 82
    • Renamed filters and attributes from variation to variant
  • Ensembl Regulation 82
    • Added "Ensembl Gene ID" filter for the miRNA Target Regions dataset


A complete list of the changes in release 82 can be found at

The release 82 blog post can be viewed here:

The e82 webinar is planned for Wednesday 7th Oct at 16:00 GMT+1, please register using the following URL (registration is free):


Best Regards,


biomart ensembl release82 variation mouse News • 1.2k views

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