I am having trouble installing the package 'RnBeads' on my institutions cluster.
The cluster is running R version 3.1.2. and Bioconductor 3.0, BiocInstaller 1.16.5.
when I do:
I keep getting the error:
Warning message:
package ‘RnBeads’ is not available (for R version 3.1.2)
I have not found a way to get around this, and the RnBeads bioconductor page says the package only depends on R >3.0.0, so I'm not sure why it would not be available in R 3.1.2?
I have checked if it is because I had not set my repositories correctly:
> setRepositories()
1: + CRAN
2: + BioC software
3: + BioC annotation
4: + BioC experiment
5: + BioC extra
6: + CRAN (extras)
7: Omegahat
8: R-Forge
9: rforge.net
I think this is correct though?
any help is appreciated.
Okay, thanks for pointing that out.
Was I misinterpreting the dependencies table on the landing page? Why does the dependencies table show that RnBeads depends on =>R-3.0.0 when it will only run on 3.2? Should I just infer the R version based on the BIoconductor version in the future?
There is a line on the landing page that says "In Bioconductor Since". That's what you want to go by.
We currently encourage (via BiocCheck) package maintainers to update their R dependency to an appropriate value but "In Bioconductor Since" is the canonical place to find out when (in which version) a package was added to Bioconductor (and it won't be available for earlier versions).
Great, thanks for the tip!