I'm using R-3.1.2 in R studio.
I wan't to use ReadAffy() , but it doesn't work
> # Read in the CEL files in the directory
> raw <- ReadAffy(compress=gzipped, sampleNames = sNames)
Error in value[[3L]](cond) : row names contain missing values
AnnotatedDataFrame 'initialize' could not update varMetadata:
perhaps pData and varMetadata are inconsistent?
I'm working with datasets from here http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE32474 (with NCI_ADR_RES and OV:OVCAR_8 samples (3-3 samples)
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.1.2 (2014-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
[1] LC_COLLATE=Hungarian_Hungary.1250 LC_CTYPE=Hungarian_Hungary.1250
[3] LC_MONETARY=Hungarian_Hungary.1250 LC_NUMERIC=C
[5] LC_TIME=Hungarian_Hungary.1250
attached base packages:
[1] splines grid parallel stats graphics grDevices utils
[8] datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] pheatmap_0.7.7 affyQCReport_1.44.0
[3] simpleaffy_2.42.0 IDPmisc_1.1.17
[5] arrayQualityMetrics_3.22.1 Formula_1.2-0
[7] survival_2.37-7 lattice_0.20-29
[9] gridSVG_1.4-3 genefilter_1.48.1
[11] Cairo_1.5-6 affyPLM_1.42.0
[13] preprocessCore_1.28.0 gcrma_2.38.0
[15] affy_1.44.0 beadarray_2.16.0
[17] ggplot2_1.0.0 BBmisc_1.9
[19] Biobase_2.26.0 BiocGenerics_0.12.1
[21] BiocInstaller_1.16.1
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] acepack_1.3-3.3 affyio_1.34.0 annotate_1.44.0
[4] AnnotationDbi_1.28.1 base64_1.1 BeadDataPackR_1.18.0
[7] Biostrings_2.34.1 checkmate_1.5.1 cluster_2.0.1
[10] colorspace_1.2-4 DBI_0.3.1 digest_0.6.8
[13] foreign_0.8-62 GenomeInfoDb_1.2.4 GenomicRanges_1.18.4
[16] gtable_0.1.2 Hmisc_3.15-0 hwriter_1.3.2
[19] illuminaio_0.8.0 IRanges_2.0.1 latticeExtra_0.6-26
[22] limma_3.22.4 MASS_7.3-37 munsell_0.4.2
[25] nnet_7.3-9 plyr_1.8.1 proto_0.3-10
[28] RColorBrewer_1.1-2 Rcpp_0.11.4 reshape2_1.4.1
[31] RJSONIO_1.3-0 rpart_4.1-9 RSQLite_1.0.0
[34] S4Vectors_0.4.0 scales_0.2.4 setRNG_2013.9-1
[37] stats4_3.1.2 stringr_0.6.2 SVGAnnotation_0.93-1
[40] tools_3.1.2 vsn_3.34.0 XML_3.98-1.1
[43] xtable_1.7-4 XVector_0.6.0 zlibbioc_1.12.0
Hi James,
Thank you!
I will try that!
I didn't wright it in my first question that, is it a problem if I only downloaded the GSM files which have the data for my two cell line and not the whole GSE32474 .RAW fájl?
Ah, I think the error is in your sNames vector:
So it looks like there is either an NA to begin with, or one or more of the sampleNames you are passing in are getting munged to NA by this code in AllButCelsForReadAffy():
So you might want to just read in without specifying the sampleNames, and if you want to change after the fact you can do that then.