FlowCore - reading in flowSets
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Last seen 9.8 years ago
Hi, I'm using flowCore to process my flowcytometry data. I'm able to process single FCS files using read.FCS. I have to put in emptyValue=FALSE, for correct readin. Now I would like to use read.flowSet, to read in all files at once. This seems impossible as the command keeps on asking to put in emptyValue=FALSE, whilst i have done this, see the code below. > flowDataSet <- read.flowSet(path="./Data/", transformation=FALSE, emptyValue=FALSE) Error in fcs_text_parse(txt, emptyValue = emptyValue) : No end found There could be double delimiter existing in keyword value. Please set argument 'emptyValue' as FALSE and try again! How do I solve this? Or is there a way to read in the individual files using a loop, and adding them to a flowSet? (more clutter, but then I would be able to directly put in the emptyValue argument) Best regards, Pieter [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
FlowCytometry PROcess flowCore FlowCytometry PROcess flowCore • 1.2k views

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