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Scott Ochsner
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Dear BioC community,
I've been using a weighted Stouffer method to combing p-values (one-
tailed) derived from six hgu133a microarray experiments performed by
six different labs. Each experiment roughly address the same null
hypothesis: addition of receptor ligand for 24h has no effect on gene
expression. I have then
taken the combined Stouffer z-score and transformed it back to a two-
tailed p-value.
#z is a vector of combined z-scores, one for each probe set in the
hgu133a array.
My question is: Is it valid to apply multiple correction to combP
similar to something like:
If I were doing a Venn overlap of significant probe sets from these
six experiments I would be using probe sets which has passed an FDR
corrected p-value threshold. My gut is telling me to adjust the
Stouffer derived significant score for multiple testing as well.
Thanks for any feedback...
Scott A. Ochsner, Ph.D.
NURSA Bioinformatics
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX. 77030
phone: 713-798-6227