One can discover dependencies by discovering the packages available for the platform in question
db <- available.packages(repos=BiocManager::repositories(), type = "win.binary")
and then finding reverse dependencies
deps <- tools::package_dependencies("xcms", db, recursive = TRUE)
For the 'devel' version of R, the repositories are
> BiocManager::repositories()
where the 3.9
indicates Bioconductor 3.9. There are no dependencies on BiocInstaller
> "BiocInstaller" %in% unlist(deps)
so at least for xcms Mike Smiths' speculation (that stale packages are installed on win-builder) would be the most likely explanation. If there is no dependency on BiocInstaller in the other direct and indirect dependencies, this should be taken up with the win-builder team. Actually, since BiocInstaller is not available under R-devel
> "BiocInstaller" %in% rownames(db)
and since the WARNING comes when BiocInstaller is loaded, it follows that win-builder does not have a current installation.
provide more detail, e.g., the link to the CRAN check and to your package source.
@Martin Morgan, Thanks for your suggestion. The CRAN check has been added here.
You can find further details in
I wonder if this is because the Windows builder is stuck with an outdated version of a Bioconductor package that still references BiocInstaller. Perhaps there's a way to find more details of the packages installed?
If this is the case then I'm not sure there's much you can do other than wait for the relevant package to be updated.