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Last seen 6.1 years ago
Hello, I ran 3d-dna and loaded the results into JuiceBox ( ).
The screenshot ( https://imgur.com/a/izTbb54 ) shows the loaded results. Scaffolds and their names are in green boxes within the chromosomes bins (blue boxes). I am interested to extract the scaffold names for each chromosome.
Is there a way to extract scaffold names (green box ) inside each blue box as shown with any tool ?
Thank you in advance,
Does Bioconductor have any packages which are able to read
files and get this way the scaffold names?Not that I know of, but I haven't kept up to date with the latest packages for Hi-C data analysis. I just had a look at the
format specification on https://github.com/aidenlab/Juicebox, and this was not particularly informative with respect to how one could read it from another framework. It would be nice if they based their format on something like HDF5, but I guess they don't intend for other people to poke their noses into their files. That's fair enough; defining a format properly is hard work.