## Enable installing XML from source if needed
brew install libxml2
echo "XML_CONFIG=/usr/local/opt/libxml2/bin/xml2-config" >> $GITHUB_ENV
## Required to install magick as noted at
## https://github.com/r-lib/usethis/commit/f1f1e0d10c1ebc75fd4c18fa7e2de4551fd9978f#diff-9bfee71065492f63457918efcd912cf2
brew install imagemagick@6
## For textshaping, required by ragg, and required by pkgdown
brew install harfbuzz fribidi
## For installing usethis's dependency gert
brew install libgit2
If they are, several of these lines might not be needed by your use case.
PS For some reason, your message went to my spam. Anyways, biocthis has several non-R dependencies, so some issues are resolved upstream of it.
I can confirm that my issue is now resolved upon re-building GHA (without interfering with the .yml). As stated, this is probably due to the resolved issue that were upstream of biocthis.
Dear Leonardo,
I can confirm that my issue is now resolved upon re-building GHA (without interfering with the .yml). As stated, this is probably due to the resolved issue that were upstream of
.Thank you for your reply,