Hello I am using the CATALYST::cluster function on my flow data. My panel includes 13 markers
panel$fcs_colname [1] "Alexa Fluor 700-A" "PE-CF594-A" "APC-H7-A" "BV421-A" "BV711-A" "BV786-A" "BV605-A" "PE-Cy7-A" [9] "BV650-A" "APC-A" "PE-A" "PerCP-Cy5-5-A" "Alexa Fluor 488-A"
and are present in my flowset object
all(panel$fcs_colname %in% colnames(fs1)) [1] TRUE
but after running
CATALYST::cluster(sce, features = NULL, xdim = 10, ydim = 10, maxK = 20, seed = 1234)
I only have 11 markers left....
DataFrame with 11 rows and 4 columns channel_name marker_name marker_class used_for_clustering CD3 Alexa Fluor 700-A CD3 type TRUE CD4 PE-CF594-A CD4 type TRUE CD8 APC-H7-A CD8 type TRUE HLA-DR BV421-A HLA-DR type TRUE CD38 BV711-A CD38 state TRUE CCR7 BV786-A CCR7 type TRUE CD45RA BV605-A CD45RA type TRUE PD-1 PE-Cy7-A PD-1 state TRUE TIM-3 BV650-A TIM-3 state TRUE CD73 PerCP-Cy5-5-A CD73 state TRUE CD160 Alexa Fluor 488-A CD160 state TRUE
I am probably missing something obvious... can you help?
thank you!
Hard to read the output above - but if I'm not mistaken, the missing channels are APC-A and PE-A. These are the only ones not containing any numbers. So my guess is this:
I confirm it works with FACS=TRUE. thank you so much. I will follow with another question but using a different thread
thank you