Input file is the list of gene ids along with fold change values:
14 1.23
43 -1.18
52 1.42
90 -1.2
212 1.42
291 -1.11
337 1.29
351 -1.31
358 1.19
372 -1.5
411 -1.43
444 -1.13
471 -1.24
585 -1.46
596 -1.47
607 -1.47
632 1.37
Column one is gene id and column 2 is fold change
Code having error is:
ego <- enrichGO(gene = gene,
universe = names(geneList),
OrgDb =,
ont = "CC",
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
pvalueCutoff = 0.01,
qvalueCutoff = 0.05,
readable = TRUE)
--> No gene can be mapped....
--> Expected input gene ID: 10856,8295,25942,345651,79101,51780
--> return NULL...