What defines a batch in DESeq2 analysis
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Last seen 3.9 years ago

Hi, I am trying to perform a differential seq analysis using DESeq2 package. I have data from 16 cell lines (Control and knockdown of a gene of interest). The issue is that library prep for 16 cell lines wasn't performed in the same batch. We performed library prep for 8 cell lines (equal distribution between control and knockdown) and then performed another "batch" of library preps for next 8. The library prep method was the same. They were sequenced on the same sequencing run.

My question is, while running DESeq2, should I be accounting for potential "batch effects" arising out different library preps days ?

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DESeq2 • 554 views
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swbarnes2 ★ 1.4k
Last seen 17 hours ago
San Diego

Yes. You should be accounting for it. Library prep day matters. Sequencing day does not. Just make your design ~ genotype + batch


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