The third Bioconductor Asia meeting ( will be held on Friday 17th November 2017 in Adelaide, Australia as a satellite event to ABACBS 2017 (
This one-day event aims to bring together researchers with an interest in the Bioconductor project to exchanging ideas and expertise. On the preceding day (Thursday 16th November) a series short Bioconductor tutorials will be held.
We welcome attendance from both users and package developers (current and prospective).
If you'd like an opportunity to present your work, consider submitting an abstract by Friday 29th September. A number of scholarships ($500 AUD) are available for students, early career researchers and Bioconductor package developers to help cover the cost of travel to attend the meeting (refer to the meeting website for further instructions).
To register for this event, visit one of the following links: (for ABACBS members) (for non-members).
We hope to see you there!
Matt Ritchie, Charity Law and Stephen Pederson