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Last seen 7.4 years ago
I have 3 groups(A,B,C) and triplicates per each group. I'm interested in looking at genes differentially expressed in group C but not in A & B.
I'm running the following deseq2 cmds and using 'contrast' function, but I'm not sure if it's the right way to define contrast -the results do not make sense to me esp log fold change. Any help is appreciated.
Count data
S1 |
S2 |
S3 |
S4 |
S5 |
S6 |
S7 |
S8 |
S9 |
ENSMUSG00000000001 |
12248 |
13314 |
11525 |
16055 |
12472 |
14372 |
14047 |
9474 |
13866 |
ENSMUSG00000000028 |
1053 |
1148 |
1821 |
1146 |
908 |
1241 |
1024 |
503 |
1541 |
Meta data
condition |
S1 |
A |
S2 |
A |
S3 |
A |
S4 |
B |
S5 |
B |
S6 |
B |
S7 |
C |
S8 |
C |
S9 |
C |
DESeq2 cmds:
dds<-DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=countData,colData=metaData,design=~condition) dds <- dds[ rowSums(counts(dds)) > 1, ] dds <- DESeq(dds, betaPrior=FALSE) res<-results(dds,contrast=c(-0.5,-0.5,1))
baseMean |
log2FoldChange |
lfcSE |
stat |
pvalue |
padj |
ENSMUSG00000000001 |
12878.6725789033 |
6.9595564977 |
0.1304387977 |
53.3549574268 |
0 |
0 |
ENSMUSG00000000028 |
1136.957652803 |
5.5701754543 |
0.3370332896 |
16.5270779638 |
2.34226412238182E-61 |
5.73408118628246E-61 |
Many thanks!
Thanks Michael. I have tried with, design=~0 + condition and the results look fine.