Dear Gunter,
good morning and a happy autumn time ! when you have a minute, i would like to ask for an advice regarding the output of cn.mops on tumor-germline samples :
i've been using the algorithm that you have developed on approx 100 tumors that have a germline counterpart, and now I would like to better understand the results.
It would be great if you could tell me more about the differences between the functions :
-- segmentation()
-- cnvs()
-- cnvr()
For example, for chr21, after segmentation, we obtained the regions :
"seqnames" "start" "end" "width" "strand" "sampleName" "median" "mean" "CN" "chr21" 1 12050000 12050000 "*" NA 0 0.0028 "CN2" "chr21" 12050001 12140000 90000 "*" NA 1.0224545205372 2.1378 "CN3" "chr21" 12140001 12870000 730000 "*" NA 0 -0.2329 "CN2" "chr21" 12870001 46709983 33839983 "*" NA 1.19917489022848e-64 0.0135 "CN2
After cnvs() function :
"chr21" 12050001 12140000 90000 "*" "CN3
After cnvr() function :
"chr21" 12050001 12140000 90000 "*" "CN3"
And, what do "median" and "mean" fields represent, after segmentation() ?
It would be very helpful to hear from you, and many thanks in advance,
-- bogdan
Dear Gunter, thanks a lot for a very prompt reply. If I may add another question please :
-- sometimes, in the file produced by the "segmentation" there are a few segments labelled as CN2 . For the case of tumor-normal comparison, what does it mean ? Is it related to potential LOH in the germline sample ?
-- and, how shall i interpret the "median" and "mean" numerical values, after segmentation() ? We are running the cn.mops algorithm on tumor-normal pairs, per chromosome.
thanks a lot,
-- bogdan
The segmentation slot contains also normal ("CN2") segments, i.e. segment that do not contain a copy number variation. So, you should expect to find CN2 there.
The "median" and "mean" are the median and mean signed individual I/NI (sI/NI) calls across the joined segments (cn.mops supplies and sI/NI call for each of the initial segments). The higher the values, the higher the underlying copy number, the lower, the lower the copy number.
Dear Gunter, thank you again ;) I would like to better understand the differences between the results from CNVS() versus the results from CNVR(), in the context of CNV calling on TUMOR-GERMLINE, and if you do not mind providing some insights on another question below please.