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Jianping Jin
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Dear BioConductor list:
I started to learn limma function for giving weight to all Genepix
less than -50. Also I tried to filter out spots that, for example,
show the
foreground/background ratio less than 1.2. I am wondering whether or
1. I can set two different weight values in my data set, e.g. 0.5 for
$Flags == -50 and 0.1 for $Flags == -100 with a function?
2. I can perform flag weighting and forground/background weighting
described above at the same time when reading data in? Or are there
other ways to do that?
I will appreciate it if you could help me out!
x Jianping Jin Ph.D. x
x Bioinformatics scientist x
x Center for bioinformatics x
x 3133 Bioinformatics Building x
x CB# 7104 x
x University of North Carolina x
x Chapel Hill, NC 27599 x
x Tel: (919)843-6105 x
x Fax: (919)843-3103 x
x E-mail: jjin at email.unc.edu x