I am attempting to reproduce the Mis-annotated Sex Check from the GWAStools Data Cleaning Document with my own data. (https://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/vignettes/GWASTools/inst/doc/DataCleaning.pdf, Pgs. 46-48). I am having trouble creating the Intensity GDS file in R from the available files I have. I have both .IDAT files and Plink ped/map files.
Below is my code to create the Genotype GDS from the Plink Files
ped.fn <- "F:/requested.idatfiles/kids.ped"
map.fn <- "F:/requested.idatfiles/kids.map"
snpgdsPED2GDS(ped.fn, map.fn, "test.gds")
genofile <- openfn.gds("test.gds")
File: F:\requested.idatfiles\test.gds (5.3M)
+ [ ] *
|--+ sample.id { Str8 796 ZIP_ra(21.4%), 1.6K }
|--+ snp.id { Int32 26528 ZIP_ra(34.6%), 35.9K }
|--+ snp.rs.id { Str8 26528 ZIP_ra(36.1%), 112.2K }
|--+ snp.position { Int32 26528 ZIP_ra(86.7%), 89.8K }
|--+ snp.chromosome { Int32 26528 ZIP_ra(0.13%), 149B } *
|--+ snp.allele { Str8 26528 ZIP_ra(15.5%), 16.1K }
|--+ genotype { Bit2 796x26528, 5.0M } *
\--+ sample.annot [ data.frame ] *
|--+ family { Str8 796 ZIP_ra(45.3%), 1.5K }
|--+ father { Str8 796 ZIP_ra(2.01%), 39B }
|--+ mother { Str8 796 ZIP_ra(2.01%), 39B }
|--+ sex { Str8 796 ZIP_ra(13.7%), 225B }
\--+ phenotype { Str8 796 ZIP_ra(1.59%), 45B }
(gds <- GdsGenotypeReader(genofile))
scanID <- getScanID(gds)
family <- getVariable(gds, "sample.annot/family")
father <- getVariable(gds, "sample.annot/father")
mother <- getVariable(gds, "sample.annot/mother")
sex <- getVariable(gds, "sample.annot/sex")
sex[sex == ""] <- NA # sex must be coded as M/F/NA
phenotype <- getVariable(gds, "sample.annot/phenotype")
scanAnnot <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(data.frame(scanID, father, mother,
sex, phenotype,
snpID <- getSnpID(gds)
chromosome <- getChromosome(gds)
position <- getPosition(gds)
alleleA <- getAlleleA(gds)
alleleB <- getAlleleB(gds)
rsID <- getVariable(gds, "snp.rs.id")
snpAnnot <- SnpAnnotationDataFrame(data.frame(snpID, chromosome, position,
rsID, alleleA, alleleB,
,YchromCode=as.integer(25), XchromCode=as.integer(23))
genoData <- GenotypeData(gds, scanAnnot=scanAnnot, snpAnnot=snpAnnot)
I am having trouble creating the Intensity File from the IDAT files I have. I read them into R through the crlmm package as follows, but can't find documentation on how to convert it to a Intensity GDS file. Should I be using a different package/function? Is there documentation online I can follow?
idats<-readIdatFiles(sampleSheet=NULL, arrayNames=NULL, ids=NULL, path=path.all,
highDensity=FALSE, sep="_",
fileExt=list(green="Grn.idat", red="Red.idat"),
saveDate=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)