Dear community,
I've been trying to test if there are differentially expressed genes between different time-points of samples taken from the same donors.
SampleID Donor TimePoint
A1 1 T1
A2 1 T2
A3 1 T3
A4 2 T1
A5 2 T2
A6 2 T3
And so it goes until sampleID A12, so in total I have 4 different Donors and for each I have 3 timepoints.
I used a design that takes into account Donor (given that the samples from the same donor are not independent) and TimePoint: ~ Donor + TimePoint.
I then used test="LRT"
when calling DESeq function with a reduced design: ~Donor
to find genes which are different at any time-point. After that I tried to test individual effects by specifying a contrast in the results function:
Res <- results(DDS, contrast=c("TimePoint","T1","T2"))
But it give me an error:
Error in cleanContrast(object, contrast, expanded = isExpanded, listValues = listValues, :
as T2 is the reference level, was expecting TimePoint_T1_vs_T2 to be present in 'resultsNames(object)'
I also tried:
Res <- results(DDS, contrast=c("TimePoint","T1","T2"), test="Wald")
And it gave me the same error. What am I doing wrong? Should I do this differently?
From just running results without contrast: Res <- results(DDS)
I get no errors and the results look as follows:
log2 fold change (MLE): TimePoint2
LRT p-value: '~ Mother_Child + TimePoint' vs '~ Mother_Child'
DataFrame with 460 rows and 6 columns
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
<numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
Otu402 2.279747 0.3111686 0.8422597 0.1381527 0.9332554 0.043
Otu131 22.551497 2.0865825 0.8764297 3.3208392 0.1900592 0.032
Why does it say "TimePoint2"? I thought it was the result of comparing T1 vs T2, because is using as reference TimePoint T1, but when I try relevel to set T2 as reference, the results are exactly the same :(
Please, any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Dear Michael,
Thank you for your reply. I checked the character string as you suggested:
Just to let you know, Mother_Child = Donor in my case (forgot to state that).
Still don't understand what am I doing wrong. Maybe there's something else I could try changing?
Thanks in advance
Can you show all the code from scratch? It should just give the levels of the variable in resultsNames(), unless you change them after running DESeq()