I am trying to use the BiocLite() feature of Bioconductor to install the R modules required by MetaboAnalyst 3.0 under Ubuntu Xenial 16.04LTS with its system R 3.2.3 release. I have added the repo for Micheal Rutter's cran2deb4ubuntu to provide the missing cran R modules but have avoided installing any of the r-bioc ones to keep the installation purely using those installed in /usr/local/lib/R by BiocLite(). Unfortunately, this is failing on
$ sudo R
> source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
> biocLite("‘AnnotationDbi")
BioC_mirror: https://bioconductor.org
Using Bioconductor 3.2 (BiocInstaller 1.20.3), R 3.2.3 (2015-12-10).
Installing package(s) ‘‘AnnotationDbi’
Warning message:
package ‘‘AnnotationDbi’ is not available (for R version 3.2.3)
Certainly there must be a way to redirect BiocLite to a legacy release which fully supports the older R 3.2.3 in the current Ubuntu LTS release?