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Last seen 7.6 years ago
I am using the latest version of CRISPRseek (CRISPRseek_1.16.0). I used the following example script that in the Reference Manual.
> all.gRNAs <- findgRNAs(inputFilePath = + system.file("extdata", "inputseq.fa", package = "CRISPRseek"), + pairOutputFile = "pairedgRNAs.xls", + findPairedgRNAOnly = TRUE)
> all.gRNAs[1] A DNAStringSet instance of length 1 width seq names [1] 23 TGTCCTCCACACCAGAATCAGGG Hsap_GATA1_ex2_gR40f > library("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19") > hits <- searchHits2(all.gRNAs[1], BSgenomeName = Hsapiens, + max.mismatch = 0, chromToSearch = "chrX") >>> Finding all hits in sequence chrX ... >>> DONE searching > hits strand chrom chromStart chromEnd name gRNAPlusPAM OffTargetSequence + chrX 48649587 48649609 Hsap_GATA1_ex2_gR40f TGTCCTCCACACCAGAATCANGG GTCCTCCACACCAGAATCAGGG
In the column of gRNAplusPAM, the result is TGTCCTCCACACCAGAATCANGG, the PAM is NGG instead of GGG. And it produce same results when I use other gRNAs as a inputfile. the PAM in result always NGG.
But in the package file , the gRNAplusPAM is the correct PAM.
hitsFile <- system.file("extdata", "hits.txt", package="CRISPRseek") read.table(hitFile) strand chrom chromStart chromEnd name gRNAPlusPAM OffTargetSequence - chr17 51150403 51150425 gRNAf1HsapGATA1ex2Start24End46 TGTCCTCCACACCAGAATCAGGG TGTCCTGCACACCAGAATGATAG + chr19 51673303 51673325 gRNAf1HsapGATA1ex2Start24End46 TGTCCTCCACACCAGAATCAGGG TGTCCTCCTCCCCAGAATCAAAG + chrX 48649587 48649609 gRNAf1_Hsap_GATA1_ex2Start24End46 TGTCCTCCACACCAGAATCAGGG TGTCCTCCACACCAGAATCAGGG - chrX 83738197 83738219 gRNAf1_Hsap_GATA1_ex2Start24End46 TGTCCTCCACACCAGAATCAGGG TGTCCTCAACACCAGAATGATAG
What should I do? Thank you very much for your help.
Best regards