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Mohamad S. Hasan
Last seen 5.2 years ago
I developed an R package called "OPWeight", now in Bioconductor issue 395. This package uses qvalue, tibble and boxcox from the packages qvalue, tibble, and MASS, resectively by the command importFrom(..., ...). If anyone wants to use the package "OPWeight", will OPWeight automatically install qvalue, tibble, and MASS?
Thank you
The packages have to be in Imports: or Depends: for them to be mentioned in importFrom(), so once OPWeight is in Bioconductor (or other CRAN-style) repository biocLite() / install.packages() will install them without the user needing to take any additional action.
@Morgan Thank you so much!
@ Lluís R Thank you so much for these useful links!