I have 2 groups and each group with 3 replicates. Each sample have 50686 genes with RNAseq read counts for each gene. I performed the following function in R to get the normalisation factors
y <- calcNormFactors(y, method = "upperquartile")
I got the following normalisation factors:
group lib.size norm.factors
WTHC1 WHC 43297217 0.9400238
WTHC2 WHC 46369347 0.9358194
WTHC3 WHC 63202020 1.0778591
WTLR1 WLR 61800948 1.0177353
WTLR2 WLR 66249762 0.9980893
WTLR3 WLR 59552488 1.0382522
But with "TMM" function I got the following normalisation factors
y <- calcNormFactors(y, method = "TMM")
group lib.size norm.factors
WTHC1 WHC 43297217 0.9458131
WTHC2 WHC 46369347 0.9676089
WTHC3 WHC 63202020 1.0909037
WTLR1 WLR 61800948 0.9883493
WTLR2 WLR 66249762 0.9905648
WTLR3 WLR 59552488 1.0230927
I do not know which is the better normalisation factor to use? I'm doing the analysis to find the Differential Expressed genes.
Thanks for the help!