I'm using DESeq2 to do differentially expression analysis. I have 8 liver slices from control group, and 6 liver slices from treatment group. So the purpose is to find out the differentially expressed genes between these two groups. But those slices are not independent: slices from control group the slices from treatment group may come from the same fish.
I'm using DESeq2 package in R, so my colData looks like:
samples fishGroup expGroup
1 Sample12 3 control
2 Sample18 4 control
3 Sample25 5 control
4 Sample31 6 control
5 Sample44 8 control
6 Sample6 2 control
7 Sample11 2 treat
8 Sample17 3 treat
9 Sample24 4 treat
10 Sample30 5 treat
11 Sample37 6 treat
12 Sample50 8 treat
If I perform DESeq2 based on independent sample test, then only "expGroup" will be used:
dds_independent <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData, colData, design = ~expGroup)
But that will miss the samples' pair information. So I guess that the paired sample test is better.
In the section of "Model matrix not full rank" from vignette('DESeq2')
, it seems to discuss about this problem, to use a design like this: design = ~ expGroup + fishGroup
. I'm no expert on statistics, but it seems that the two factors are treated equally, but in my understanding, expGroup should be prior, because fishGroup only gives the pair information, since I want to find the differentially expressed genes in different experiment groups (control and treat).
I ran both ( design = ~expGroup
and design = ~expGroup + fishGroup
) again, but But the result is quite abnormal: I got 10 differentially expressed (DE) genes (padj < 0.05) from the first design, but 2412 DE genes from the second design. I've looked into the DE genes from the second design, and they're not differentially expressed, since you'll find that the slice sample pairs (from the same fish) give you different conclusion about whether the gene is up regulated or down regulated. Take one gene which is regarded as DE gene from the second design:
fishGroup expGroup count
2 control 5.1
2 treat 25.6
3 control 222.9
3 treat 143.4
4 control 25.6
4 treat 164.0
5 control 0
5 treat 5.1
6 control 151.1
6 treat 61.5
8 control 886.3
8 treat 141
So anyone has any idea of how to design the "design" to tell DESeq2 to do a paired sample test?
To be sure that I made it clear: My purpose is to find out the differentially expressed genes between control group and treatment group, since I want to see the effect of the chemicals which were injected into the samples in the treatment group. But since there is always a pair of slices (samples) in these two groups coming from the same fish, so I think it's better to take this information into consideration, which is call "paired sample test" in statistics.
Check out the vignette for more details on this topic but the gist of what I'm saying is put treatment at the end of the design formula. You have 'fish' at the end now.
Something to add: another way you know what results table you are looking at in DESeq2, is that if you just print the table, e.g.
And press [return], it will say at the top of the table what coefficient you tested, (or what test was performed, etc).
Nice, thank you! I didn't notice this point before, it works perfectly now!
One more question: as you can see from the code above, I have two samples in control group who don't have their pair in treatment group, so for now, I deleted these two samples from control group. Do you have a better suggestion for this missing match problem?
For the fixed effect model, you can't get use of them, because we are essentially looking at the fold changes within pairs and seeing if that effect is large and consistent across pairs. There is a trade-off, if it were many samples that were unpaired, I would use limma with the duplicateCorrelation() function to inform the model that only some of the samples are paired. In my opinion, and from working with similar datasets, where the pair effect is often strong, the strength of this kind of analysis hinges though on the differences within the paired samples, and so if it's not many unpaired, I would just remove them for the analysis of treatment effect.
Got it, and thank you very much for all these quick and helpful replies.