I run diffbind to find DB between my two samples( control and phosphate deficiency) with two replicates. i choose deseq2 method for dba.analyzes and I got this:
1 Contrast:
Group1 Members1 Group2 Members2 DB.DESeq2
1 C 3 P 3 0
Error in pv.DBAreport(pv, contrast = contrast, method = method, th = th, :
edgeR analysis has not been run for this contrast
Calls: plot ... plot.DBA -> dba.plotHeatmap -> pv.getPlotData -> pv.DBAreport
Execution halted
I used EDGEr as well, for that one I got 7 DB. I run others peakcalling software to find DB and I got some DB , but I could not understand why I did not get any DB from diffbind.
my samplesheet :
SampleID Tissue Factor Condition Treatment Replicate
1 WTC1 Shoot H3K4me3 WT C 1
2 WTC2 Shoot H3K4me3 WT C 2
3 WTC3 Shoot H3K4me3 WT C 3
4 WTP1 Shoot H3K4me3 WT P 1
5 WTP2 Shoot H3K4me3 WT P 2
6 WTP3 Shoot H3K4me3 WT P 3
bamReads ControlID bamControl
1 rep1_WT_C_H3K4me3_bowtie.bam InPutC1 rep1_WT_C_input_bowtie.bam
2 rep2_WT_C_H3K4me3_trimmed_bowtie.bam InPutC2 rep2_WT_C_input_bowtie.bam
3 rep3_WT_C_H3K4me3_bowtie.bam InPutC3 rep2_WT_C_input_bowtie.bam
4 rep1_WT_P_H3K4me3_bowtie.bam InPutP1 rep1_WT_P_input_bowtie.bam
5 rep2_WT_P_H3K4me3_bowtie.bam InPutP2 rep2_WT_P_input_bowtie.bam
6 rep3_WT_P_H3K4me3_bowtie.bam InPutP3 rep2_WT_P_input_bowtie.bam
1 sorted_rep1_WT_C_H3K4me3_bowtie-W200-G200-FDR0.001-island.bed
2 sorted_rep2_WT_C_H3K4me3_trimmed_bowtie-W200-G200-FDR0.001-island.bed
3 sorted_rep3_WT_C_H3K4me3_bowtie-W200-G200-FDR0.001-island.bed
4 sorted_rep1_WT_P_H3K4me3_bowtie-W200-G200-FDR0.001-island.bed
5 sorted_rep2_WT_P_H3K4me3_bowtie-W200-G200-FDR0.001-island.bed
6 sorted_rep3_WT_P_H3K4me3_bowtie-W200-G200-FDR0.001-island.bed
1 bed
2 bed
3 bed
4 bed
5 bed
6 bed
You can retrieve the merged binding sites you want using
Hello Rory,
Many thanks for your help. I tried the first option but I got the error :
Error in dba(H3K4me3, mask = H3K4me3$masks$C, minOvlerap = 2) :
unused argument (minOvlerap = 2)
the second option gave me the peakset, I was wondering how C was specified? How can I do it for P samples as well? what is 7? I checked the manual but I could not find it.
This is a typo. It should be
.I got it, I should put 8. sorry for asking a lot of questions.