Hi there,
I have been using featureCounts for quite some time now and I really like it. However, I have come across a workflow for deconvoluting multimapping of RNAseq reads to multiple genes (RNAfreak) that requires the output of htseq-counts since it gives a read summaries (i.e., the fate of each read) in a SAM file. In particular, I am interested in multimapping information that is provided in the htseq-counts SAM file output defined in one of the columns ("XF:Z:....")
Is it possible to have the read information from featurecounts output to a SAM file?
Thanks a lot!
example of htseq-counts SAM file output where GENE_id will be the gene name if it was uniquely mapped or "__ambiguous[GENE_id1+GENE_id2...]"
READname 99 KI546164 34680 255 1S125M = 34701 147 READseq READqual NH:i:1 HI:i:1 AS:i:249 nM:i:0 XF:Z:GENE_id
This is something we are currently working on. Will try to add this feature soon.
Great! Thank you! I'll keep an eye out!
I'd also like to use the same workflow and wanted to ask if this feature has been added already.
Kind regards
This parameter of featureCounts gives per-read assignment results in the SAM format:
Alternatively, you can give it "BAM" to generate per-read assignment results in the BAM format.
The manual of Rsubread gives more details for this parameter.
That's great, thanks :)