Hi all, I am working on ATAC seq data set, two cell types and two conditions, replicates >= 3 .
diff <- dba(sampleSheet="SampleSheet041217.csv")
diff_count <- dba.count(diff, minOverlap=2)
20 Samples, 649843 sites in matrix:
ID Tissue Condition Treatment Replicate Caller Intervals FRiP
1 4471_64502 CD4p CLAp 0h 1 counts 649843 0.13
2 4471_64506 CD4p CLAp 0h 2 counts 649843 0.16
20 99011_70076 CD8p CLAp 0h 6 counts 649843 0.18
diff_contrast_CD4 <- dba.contrast(diff_count,categories=DBA_CONDITION,block=diff$masks$CD4p)
diff_analysis_CD4 <- dba.analyze(diff_contrast_CD4, method=DBA_DESEQ2)
converting counts to integer mode
gene-wise dispersion estimates
mean-dispersion relationship
final dispersion estimates
converting counts to integer mode
DESeq2 multi-factor analysis
gene-wise dispersion estimates
mean-dispersion relationship
Error in lfproc(x, y, weights = weights, cens = cens, base = base, geth = geth, :
newsplit: out of vertex space
In addition: There were 18 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
I have read the error is something to do with maxk in locfit,default =100. It suggests to give a big value (> 500) to the parameter maxk when calling the function locfit. But I'm not sure how to edit this number in DiffBind. Could you help me solve the problem? Thanks a lot.
P.S. I also tried method=DBA_ALL_METHODS and got the same problem.
Thank you for the reply.
I will try analyze and visualize the mean-variance relationship. Do you mean the mean-variance is too large to fit in vertex space?
Not too large, but too different from what DESeq2 expects.
You can use fitType="mean", which at the least will not throw an error. But also I would examine plotDistEsts(dds).
Thank you for the suggestion. The samples are same cell type from different patients that's why I think Diffbind would do the normalization before differential enrichment analysis properly.
Also, I have checked some solution, but it is from DEseq R script. I am going to open a new post ask how could debug the issue in DiffBind R script.
estimateDispersionsFit(object, fitType = c("parametric", "local", "mean"), minDisp = 1e-08, quiet = FALSE)