Firstly i do data normalization then i used limma for differential expression , list of top 10 up and top 10 down regulated degs were retrieved by using R on linux suse but the desired coloumn names of top 10 up and down regulated degs are : GeneID, Gene symbol, pvalue, FDR) how can i retrieve this by using R code kindly help me out.
library(limma) plotPCA(eset.rma, groups =as.numeric(pData(d1)[,1]),groupnames =levels(pData(d1)[,1])) pData(d1)[,1 ] group<- factor r(pData(d1)[,1 ]a(d1)[,1])), levels =levels(pData(d1)[,1])) fit1 <-lmFit(eset.rma, design) fit1 <-eBayes(fit1) tab50 <- topTable(fit1, coef = 2, adjust = "fdr",n = 50) head(tab50, n=2) logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B 211597_s_at 5.237952 3.289023 24.49186 2.866308e-08 0.0006386993 7.199561 211964_at 3.519962 2.686838 21.69393 6.866511e-08 0.0007650324 6.862590 probeList <- rownames(exprs(eset.rma)); if (require(hgu133a.db) & require(annotate)) { geneSymbol <- getSYMBOL(probeList, 'hgu133a.db') geneName <- sapply(lookUp(probeList, 'hgu133a.db', 'GENENAME'), function(x) x[1]) EntrezID <- sapply(lookUp(probeList, 'hgu133a.db', 'ENTREZID'), function(x) x[1]) }
> head(UP_annotated_table,n=10)
logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
211597_s_at 5.237952 3.289023 24.49186 2.866308e-08 0.0006386993 7.199561
211964_at 3.519962 2.686838 21.69393 6.866511e-08 0.0007650324 6.862590
213243_at 3.841436 2.474788 18.58363 2.083929e-07 0.0015478733 6.354825
203038_at 4.317340 2.869763 16.56840 4.729030e-07 0.0026344242 5.920133
206385_s_at 2.208070 2.065396 14.51531 1.209436e-06 0.0053899727 5.358531
203675_at 3.300579 3.157668 13.04972 2.560907e-06 0.0073778832 4.861905
206806_at 1.692654 2.687724 12.65547 3.175768e-06 0.0073778832 4.711820
219737_s_at 3.908562 4.850929 12.45853 3.544425e-06 0.0073778832 4.633940
204891_s_at 4.645051 4.962788 12.24253 4.005545e-06 0.0073778832 4.546204
203865_s_at 2.774819 2.887660 12.15133 4.220348e-06 0.0073778832 4.508410
FoldChange DownS/Norm
211597_s_at 37.738164
211964_at 11.471339
213243_at 14.334659
203038_at 19.936496
206385_s_at 4.620569
203675_at 9.853111
206806_at 3.232508
219737_s_at 15.017388
204891_s_at 25.020713
203865_s_at 6.843903
> head(DOWN_annotated_table,n=10)
logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
204684_at -3.539326 3.620389 -13.315721 2.222307e-06 0.007377883 4.958978
216033_s_at -2.403346 4.327960 -12.273627 3.935154e-06 0.007377883 4.558988
202552_s_at -2.020307 2.209275 -11.877579 4.947546e-06 0.007377883 4.392222
210978_s_at -2.301755 7.564961 -11.614257 5.783444e-06 0.007580735 4.276433
212063_at -4.553384 6.169763 -10.282190 1.342784e-05 0.012712866 3.623785
203085_s_at -4.992403 6.162288 -10.143841 1.473638e-05 0.013134834 3.548972
202912_at -4.312281 5.258749 -9.675439 2.036186e-05 0.015181843 3.284779
209200_at -1.469112 3.378761 -9.607122 2.136946e-05 0.015181843 3.244786
201160_s_at -2.883515 8.534621 -9.254994 2.754286e-05 0.017535360 3.032466
200931_s_at -2.003982 4.598302 -9.117905 3.047180e-05 0.018861198 2.946915
FoldChange DownS/Norm
204684_at -11.626345
216033_s_at -5.290285
202552_s_at -4.056700
210978_s_at -4.930573
212063_at -23.480377
203085_s_at -31.831941
202912_at -19.866713
209200_at -2.768515
201160_s_at -7.379456
200931_s_at -4.011057
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