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Last seen 7.1 years ago
Hi I am using the latest version of CRISPRseek (CRISPRseek_1.15.1). I used following script to search the gRNA without any off-target analysis
results <- offTargetAnalysis( inputFilePath, findgRNAs=TRUE, gRNA.name.prefix="gRNA", PAM.size=3, gRNA.size=20, PAM="NGG", gRNA.pattern = "^G", #gRNA start with G only #gRNA.pattern= "^(?:(?!T{3,}).)+$", # three consecutive uracils in any position of a gRNA #gRNA.pattern= "[ACG]{4,}.{3}$” , #avoid uracil in the last 4 positions of the guide sequence min.score=0, topN=1000, findgRNAsWithREcutOnly = TRUE, REpatternFile=system.file("extdata", "NEBenzymes.fa",package="CRISPRseek"), minREpatternSize=6, findPairedgRNAOnly = FALSE, chromToSearch = "", outputDir = outputDir, overwrite = TRUE, gRNAoutputName = "seq1gRNAs", format="fasta", exportAllgRNAs="fasta", #c("all", "fasta", "genbank", "no"), fetchSequence=TRUE, upstream=200, downstream=200, #upstream.search=0, #downstream.search=0, #baseBeforegRNA=4, #baseAfterPAM=3, useScore=TRUE, overlap.gRNA.positions=c(17, 18), useEfficacyFromInputSeq=TRUE, outputUniqueREs=TRUE)
I used three different gRNA.pattern search but none of them produce the expected result. For example, gRNA.pattern = "^G"
is also giving the gRNA starts with other than G. Thanks
Thanks. I am using this FASTA sequence to search the gRNA.
Thanks for help. I just modified my script like this to get the minimum free en-ergy of the secondary structure of gRNA with gRNA backbone but I didn't get anything. Actually Summary file is also not generated in the end. Can you check whether it is also a kind of bug.
Thanks for your help.