I am a newbie in R
I have clariom dataset 21 files, six condition one control each have three replicates ((6+1=7)*3=21)
I did run following command
p <- new("AffyHTAPDInfoPkgSeed", clfFile = "Clariom_D_Human.r1.clf", pgfFile = "Clariom_D_Human.r1.pgf", coreMps = "Clariom_D_Human.r1.mps", transFile = "Clariom_D_Human.na36.hg38.transcript.csv", probeFile = "Clariom_D_Human.na36.hg38.probeset.csv", author = "me", email = "mymail", genomebuild="hg38", organism="Homo Sapiens", species="Homo Sapiens", version = "0.0.1")
There was no error, it run fine.
but what to do after that. unable to go forward. how to use this.
Yes, that's fine. It's just telling you that some of the probesets map to multiple things. By default you only get one of the multiple mapped IDs. You can for example get all of the multiple mapped IDs, but in practice is easier to just go with the defaults.