Gviz: Plot features with thin and thick lines
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maltethodberg ▴ 180
Last seen 8 hours ago

I have a BED-like GRanges that looks like this:


GRanges object with 4957 ranges and 1 metadata column:
                    seqnames         ranges strand |          thick
                       <Rle>      <IRanges>  <Rle> |      <IRanges>
       SPAC212.12.1        I [15755, 15954]      + | [15855, 15855]
               nhe1        I [50846, 51045]      + | [50946, 50946]
              prl19        I [51058, 51257]      + | [51158, 51158]
               fex1        I [54959, 55158]      + | [55059, 55059]
       SPAC977.15.1        I [62861, 63060]      + | [62961, 62961]
                ...      ...            ...    ... .            ...
               cox3       MT [ 8847,  9046]      + | [ 8947,  8947]
               cob1       MT [10073, 10272]      + | [10173, 10173]
         SPMIT.06.1       MT [10757, 10956]      + | [10857, 10857]
  SPMITTRNAILE.01.1       MT [16562, 16761]      + | [16662, 16662]
  SPMITTRNAALA.01.1       MT [17957, 18156]      + | [18057, 18057]
  seqinfo: 6 sequences (1 circular) from ASM294v2r26 genome


I would like to plot these ranges using Gviz as they appear in the UCSC browser, i.e. the range in indicated in thick as slightly thicker than the rest.

Is this possible?


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