Dear Sir/Madame,
I am using the EdgeR ( - processAmplicons function just to raw count the number of sgRNAs I have in samples treated with custom-made sgRNA/CRISPR pooled libraries and I love the easy to use processAmplicons function as it also allows for easy detection of sgRNAs containing mismatches or shifts.
However, I was wondering if anyone has some experience to run the EdgeR processAmplicons function without barcodes or if it is possible to set the barcode start and end coordinates to 0/0 or 1/1. I am asking because if I just remove these variables or adjust them to 0 I am unable to run the function. Most of my reads do not contain barcodes anymore and some of them have shifted by 1-2 bp, hence the question. Although I might be able to perform similar tasks with other scripts/functions, I just love the basic and almost ready to use processAmplicons function and I would like to keep using it.
With kind regards,