I ran R in windows 10.
In the paper("Multiple Co-inertia Analysis of Multiple OMICS Data using omicade4"), they use the NCI60_4arrays to analyse, and they label variable genes by plotVar.
However, I failed to label genes by plotVar, and there was no warning or error in R.
the command is :
>mcoin <- mcia(NCI60_4arrays, cia.nf=10)
>melan_gene <- selectVar(mcoin, a1.lim=c(2, Inf), a2.lim=c(-Inf, Inf))
>geneStat <- plotVar(mcoin, var=c("S100B", "S100A1"), var.lab=TRUE)
https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipOoZYRlpo0Z3rmNnnH__oQPnm90ZdoFEtcP9A3d my result
https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipO_NvYbhGF0XwBM8yJcbBYUtLTgUdlpOmpUbzq- the result of paper
thanks a lot