I am using champ.load to filter my probes from my IDAT files. I understand the champ.load function returns mset,rgset,pd,beta etc. I see that the mset includes the filtered features(everything left after det P,dropSNP,dropXY), but the rgset is unchanged, I have pasted a section of the output below.
For what I am trying to do, I need a filtered rgset, is there a way to get this?
RGChannelSetExtended (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
assayData: 622399 features, 85 samples
element names: Green, GreenSD, NBeads, Red, RedSD
An object of class 'AnnotatedDataFrame'
sampleNames: 4640959416005296128 6658290574090567680 ...
5865657039673360384 (85 total)
varLabels: Sample_Name Sample_Well ... filenames (13 total)
varMetadata: labelDescription
array: IlluminaHumanMethylation450k
annotation: ilmn12.hg19
> myLoad$mset
MethylSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
assayData: 434663 features, 85 samples
element names: Meth, Unmeth
An object of class 'AnnotatedDataFrame'
sampleNames: 4640959416005296128 6658290574090567680 ...
5865657039673360384 (85 total)
varLabels: Sample_Name Sample_Well ... filenames (13 total)
varMetadata: labelDescription
array: IlluminaHumanMethylation450k
annotation: ilmn12.hg19
Method: Raw (no normalization or bg correction)
minfi version: 1.20.0
Manifest version: 0.4.0