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Last seen 8.0 years ago
Hi all,
I would like to analyze the data obtained with Affymetrix's new Clariom S arrays using xps package.
Now, I am trying to make a scheme file for Clarion S Mouse array using import.exon.scheme().
However, it simply does not work because Affymetrix has changed the format of transcript and probe set information.
Could anyone make a scheme file for Affymetrix's Clarion array?
Thank you, Christian.
I understood the situation.
I have tried to constuct transctipt.csv and probeset.csv from the NetAffx's annotation files.
Some differences were modificated, but NetAffx's transcript annotation file does not contain AFFX control information.
Such information is included in .pgf file. However, my code skill is poor, it takes much time to prepare that files.
I gave up to use xps package and have performed rma normalizaion using oligo package.