I have a question about influence of log2 fold change in determining best genes in differential expression of DEseq2,as an example with adjusted p-value < 0.1,I have 23 genes,
out of 26998 with nonzero total read count
adjusted p-value < 0.1
LFC > 0 (up) : 10, 0.037%
LFC < 0 (down) : 13, 0.048%
outliers [1] : 241, 0.89%
low counts [2] : 11375, 42%
(mean count < 1)
what is the best range of log2 fold change for selecting genes?
The numbers in themselves don't necessarily imply too few biological replicates. The numbers you detect depend on numerous properties of the experiment or study, and the conditions or treatments being compared (or more complex relationship for more complex experimental designs): as you mention the sample size (number of biological replicates), but also the true effect sizes or interaction sizes for each gene, the variability among biological replicates, the sequencing depth, just to mention a few.
It could be an under-powered experiment, or an under-sequenced experiment, or a well-powered experiment with sufficient sequencing depth, low biological variability and the "treatment" only induces a few changes in expression.