Dear all, please could you advise : how does MAFTOOLS treat the annovar files with the gene names ? For examples, shall I have a file (below), the questions would be :
> head(var.annovar.maf)
Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id Center NCBI_Build Chromosome
1: WASH7P NA STANFORD hg38 chr1
2: FAM138D,OR4F16 NA STANFORD hg38 chr1
3: ZYG11B NA STANFORD hg38 chr1
4: LINC01206,FLJ46066 NA STANFORD hg38 chr3
5: TRHDE,LOC101928137 NA STANFORD hg38 chr12
6: TMTC2 NA STANFORD hg38 chr12
Start_Position End_Position Strand Variant_Classification Variant_Type
1: 21282 21282 + RNA SNP
2: 282266 282266 + IGR SNP
3: 52783942 52783942 + Intron INS
-- 1. how does MAFTOOLS parses the Hugo_Symbols "FAM138D,OR4F16 " or "LINC01206,FLJ46066", and
-- 2. what does IGR means in the Variant_Classification column ?
thank you !