Hello All,
I am trying to analyze sc-RNA data using both scater and scran. While trying to run normalization using scran via the computeSumFactors method, I get the following error. Could someone please explain me what this error means and if there a way to fix it? Appreciate all your help and suggestions, thanks!!!
Code snippet:
ScaterObject <- newSCESet(
countData = mycountFrame,
phenoData = pheno_data
keep_feature <- rowSums(counts(ScaterObject ) > 0) > 0
ScaterObject <-ScaterObject [keep_feature,]
ScaterObject<- computeSumFactors(ScaterObject, sizes=c(20, 40, 60, 80))
Error in .local(x, ...) :
not enough cells in each cluster for specified 'sizes'
Calls: computeSumFactors ... .local -> computeSumFactors -> computeSumFactors -> .local
Execution halted
Thanks for the reply Aaron. I will try reducing the pool sizes, you are also right that I need an aggressive filtering strategy.
I will add something like below to ensure that lowly expressed genes are removed.
Hi Aaron,
I have 12 samples with following groups.
Group1- Sample (1,10,11,12)
Group2- Sample(5,6,8,9)
Group3- Sample(2,3,4,7)
What should I select the numbers for the sizes option in the below command?
sce <- computeSumFactors(sce, sizes=c())
With such few samples, I don't think pooling would provide much benefit. You don't mention what type of data you've got, but if it's bulk RNA-seq data, you might as well use TMM normalization. If it's single-cell RNA-seq data... well, regardless of what statistical magic you use, there's not much you can do with 12 cells.