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I trying to make a nice plot such as in here:
I mean, chromosome at the top and gene (I need only one gene) below, exons presetned as blocks and introns as line with arrows.
My plot looks like this:
and my code:
library(org.Hs.eg.db) eid <- select(org.Hs.eg.db, "GNG7", "ENTREZID", "SYMBOL")[["ENTREZID"]] txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene txid <- select(txdb, eid, "TXNAME", "GENEID")[["TXNAME"]] exons <- exonsBy(txdb, by="tx", use.names=TRUE) gng7exons <- exons[names(exons) %in% txid] gng7exons[[1]] anno <- AnnotationTrack(gng7exons) plotTracks(list(gtrack,itrack,anno), from = 2645916, to = 2646703, cex = 0.8)
It is even possible to add SNP's, cpg islands, etc to this plot? Summarizing, I'm looking for something like in UCSC and I have no idea how to get it...
There are dozens of plots in the Gviz User's Guide, so pointing to the entire document as an example isn't particularly helpful. In addition, the code to generate all the plots in that guide are there as well, so if you like a particular plot, is it not possible to emulate the accompanying code?
There are also examples of adding CpG islands and SNPs, along with the code to do that. Is there something in particular about the guide that you don't understand?
I get what I want finally, but I won't put it here. This page isn't for help others, is it?
Of course it is. Actually, that is is the main purpose of this forum...