I have some .txt files of RNA seq data form an experiment with 3 groups with 3 replicates each of which has the same features including genes ID and read counts. How can I make expression set from these files using R regarding for example following files names and groups:
a.txt, b.txt, c.txt, d.txt, e.txt, f.txt, g.txt, h.txt, I.txt
of which a,b, c are in the same group, d, e, f in one group and g, h and I in one group.
You almost surely don't want an ExpressionSet. In addition, telling us the names of the files is not really useful. Instead it would be helpful if you were to say what the files contain, and what you want to do with those data once you have read into R. It would also help to say what you have tried, and any error messages you might have got.
All files contain rows of "ENTREZ ID" and columns including Gene length and counts. I want to make an expression set in order to do differential expression analysis(DE) using DEseq2. I`m so new to R and even coding and I try to learn a bit about it. I have done DE analysis with edgeR and limma with these files, but was wondering how I can make expression sets too. I just don`t know what codes I have to start with. I have read the command for making Exp. set but the files features and contents were different. So, any suggestion?