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Mohammad Esad-Djou
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Hallo all,
thank you very much for your suggestions.
> Next time, please learn to ask the question more clearly (with
> of the desired output) to avoid the rest of guessing (e.g. what do
> mean by "correctly finding numeric values").
Yes. You are right. I try to reformulate my question. I would like to
compute concentrations for different ProbeSet.
I used SpikeIn example in
Description of affy
Laurent Gautier, Rafael Irizarry, Leslie Cope, and Ben Bolstad
April 21, 2005
page 22:
> data(SpikeIn)
> pms <- pm(SpikeIn)
> mms <- mm(SpikeIn)
> par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
> concentrations <- matrix(as.numeric(sampleNames(SpikeIn)), 20,
+ 12, byrow = TRUE)
> matplot(concentrations, pms, log = "xy", main = "PM", ylim = c(30,
+ 20000))
> lines(concentrations[1, ], apply(pms, 2, mean), lwd = 3)
> matplot(concentrations, mms, log = "xy", main = "MM", ylim = c(30,
+ 20000))
> lines(concentrations[1, ], apply(mms, 2, mean), lwd = 3)
I wrote:
>data.raw <- ReadAffy(filenames="./R/ME_cel/Expt1_R1.CEL", ....)
>pset1 <- probeset(data.raw,geneNames(data.raw)[1])
ProbeSet object:
pm= 16 probes x 4 chips
> SpikeIn
ProbeSet object:
pm= 20 probes x 12 chips
R program calls both objects ProbeSet, but I cannot go same way as
above example: (e.g.)
> pms <- pm(pset1)
Error in pm(pset1) : No direct or inherited method for function "pm"
for this call
> sampleNames(pset1)
Error in sampleNames(pset1) : No direct or inherited method for
function "sampleNames" for this call
> sampleNames(SpikeIn)
[1] "0.50" "0.75" "1.00" "1.50" "2.00" "3.00" "5.00"
[9] "25.00" "50.00" "75.00" "150.00"
My main question:
1. How can I compute concentrations for different ProbeSet?
2. What didn't I consider for ProbeSet (SpikeIn and pset1)?
Mohammad Esad-Djou