ChIPQC plotCoverageHist() and plotCC() not showing inputs
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atisou • 0
Last seen 7.7 years ago


I have a ChIP-seq experimental design  consisting of 2 different conditions, with 3 biological replicates for each, thus N=6 different ChIP samples and with N=6 inputs samples (total N=12 samples).

The design table:

SampleID    Tissue    Factor    Condition    Treatment    Replicate    bamReads    ControlID    bamControl    Peaks    PeakCaller
SGA_1    cord    E2F1    SGA    E2F1    SGA_1.bam input_SGA_1    SGA_input_1.bam    SGA_1_macs_peaks.xls    macs
SGA_2    cord    E2F1    SGA    E2F1    SGA_2.bam input_SGA_2    SGA_input_2.bam    SGA_2_macs_peaks.xls    macs
SGA_3    cord    E2F1    SGA    E2F1    SGA_3.bam input_SGA_3    SGA_input_3.bam    SGA_3_macs_peaks.xls    macs
AGA_1    cord    E2F1    AGA    E2F1    AGA_1.bam input_AGA_1    AGA_input_1.bam    AGA_1_macs_peaks.xls    macs
AGA_2    cord    E2F1    AGA    E2F1    AGA_2.bam input_AGA_2    AGA_input_2.bam    AGA_2_macs_peaks.xls    macs
AGA_3    cord    E2F1    AGA    E2F1    AGA_3.bam input_AGA_3    AGA_input_3.bam    AGA_3_macs_peaks.xls    macs

The commands I ran:

res <- ChIPQC(experiment = my_design_df, chromosomes = "1")

plotCoverageHist(object = res, facetBy = "Condition")

plotCC(object = res, facetBy = "Condition")

My questions are:

1. how to include the control inputs data with plotCoverageHist() and plotCC() ?

2.  how are the QC metrics computed for the control inputs in the ChIPQC object in the absence of input peaks files?

Thanks in advance for your help,


University of Fribourg


R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C               LC_TIME=de_CH.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8     LC_MONETARY=de_CH.UTF-8   
 [6] LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8    LC_PAPER=de_CH.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                  LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats4    parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] ChIPQC_1.8.9               DiffBind_2.0.9             SummarizedExperiment_1.2.3 Biobase_2.32.0             GenomicRanges_1.24.3      
 [6] GenomeInfoDb_1.8.7         IRanges_2.6.1              S4Vectors_0.10.3           BiocGenerics_0.18.0        ggplot2_2.2.1             




ChIPQC plotCoverageHist plotCC input • 1.6k views
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I think your post has been cut off here. Could you post the full design table?


Thank you,



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Dear Thomas,

Thanks for your reply.

To achieve the input versus IP profile plots (CC and CoverageHist), I have to tweak around the design_table (separate comment posted previously) by adding the control samples as extra samples, in order to have the input samples to be taken into account:

SampleID Tissue Factor Condition Treatment Replicate bamReads ControlID bamControl Peaks PeakCaller
E2F1_SGA_1 cord E2F1 SGA E2F1 1 E2F1_SGA_1.bam input_SGA_1 input_SGA_1.bam E2F1_SGA_1_macs_peaks.xls.xls macs
E2F1_SGA_2 cord E2F1 SGA E2F1 2 E2F1_SGA_2.bam input_SGA_2 input_SGA_2.bam E2F1_SGA_2_macs_peaks.xls.xls macs
E2F1_SGA_3 cord E2F1 SGA E2F1 3 E2F1_SGA_3.bam input_SGA_3 input_SGA_3.bam E2F1_SGA_3_macs_peaks.xls.xls macs
E2F1_AGA_1 cord E2F1 AGA E2F1 1 E2F1_AGA_1.bam input_AGA_1 input_AGA_1.bam E2F1_AGA_1_macs_peaks.xls.xls macs
E2F1_AGA_2 cord E2F1 AGA E2F1 2 E2F1_AGA_2.bam input_AGA_2 input_AGA_2.bam E2F1_AGA_2_macs_peaks.xls.xls macs
E2F1_AGA_3 cord E2F1 AGA E2F1 3 E2F1_AGA_3.bam input_AGA_3 input_AGA_3.bam E2F1_AGA_3_macs_peaks.xls.xls macs
input_SGA_1 cord Control SGA Control 1 input_SGA_1.bam input_SGA_1 input_SGA_1.bam E2F1_SGA_1_macs_peaks.xls.xls macs
input_SGA_2 cord Control SGA Control 2 input_SGA_2.bam input_SGA_2 input_SGA_2.bam E2F1_SGA_2_macs_peaks.xls.xls macs
input_SGA_3 cord Control SGA Control 3 input_SGA_3.bam input_SGA_3 input_SGA_3.bam E2F1_SGA_3_macs_peaks.xls.xls macs
input_AGA_1 cord Control AGA Control 1 input_AGA_1.bam input_AGA_1 input_AGA_1.bam E2F1_AGA_1_macs_peaks.xls.xls macs
input_AGA_2 cord Control AGA Control 2 input_AGA_2.bam input_AGA_2 input_AGA_2.bam E2F1_AGA_2_macs_peaks.xls.xls macs
input_AGA_3 cord Control AGA Control 3 input_AGA_3.bam input_AGA_3 input_AGA_3.bam E2F1_AGA_3_macs_peaks.xls.xls macs


So, basically this works like that, but this is not what the vignette shows, i.e input and IP curves on same plots.



ps: I can send you the exact code and plots by email if you want




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Maybe we see the table better outside a code chunk?

The design table:

SampleID    Tissue    Factor    Condition    Treatment    Replicate    bamReads    ControlID    bamControl    Peaks    PeakCaller
SGA_1    cord    E2F1    SGA    E2F1  1  SGA_1.bam input_SGA_1    SGA_input_1.bam    SGA_1_macs_peaks.xls    macs
SGA_2    cord    E2F1    SGA    E2F1  2  SGA_2.bam input_SGA_2    SGA_input_2.bam    SGA_2_macs_peaks.xls    macs
SGA_3    cord    E2F1    SGA    E2F1  3  SGA_3.bam input_SGA_3    SGA_input_3.bam    SGA_3_macs_peaks.xls    macs
AGA_1    cord    E2F1    AGA    E2F1  1  AGA_1.bam input_AGA_1    AGA_input_1.bam    AGA_1_macs_peaks.xls    macs
AGA_2    cord    E2F1    AGA    E2F1  2  AGA_2.bam input_AGA_2    AGA_input_2.bam    AGA_2_macs_peaks.xls    macs
AGA_3    cord    E2F1    AGA    E2F1  3  AGA_3.bam input_AGA_3    AGA_input_3.bam    AGA_3_macs_peaks.xls    macs

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I am also trying to make the input and ChIP curves plot on the same graph. Did you figure this out? 


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