Hi, everybody. I am Prat working as a Bioinformatician. I am first time analyzing methylation data. I am not familiar with this data at all. I did some literature search and see that IDAT files are required to analyze. I believe these are similar to CEL files but not exactly the CEL files. IDAT files are raw data for methylation data. For example, I am trying to look at the methylation data for this GSE79237 dataset. This is ILLUMINA methylation450k platform. I downloaded the TAR file, but I don't see any IDAT files. I have only .csv file and .txt file. I am not sure how to proceed with this. Were these csv and txt files are normalized data. I dont see any sample filenmaes in that file. And also I am trying to use minfi package in R. My question how to analyze methyaltion data without IDAT files? Is there any way to achieve this?
Any help is much appreciated.
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On the package landing page, at the top left is a set of package views. Under 'BiologicalQuestion' there is DifferentialMethylation, which will show you all the methylation-specific packages.