I have a single network that I have created using WGCNA, is it possible to test module preservation on just the one network. I tried using the following:
data=read.csv("preservation.csv", header=TRUE) # expression data file, with columns = genes and rows = samples
moduledata=read.csv("modulelist.csv", header=TRUE) # module file, with two columns, one for geneID and one for assigned module
colorsmodule = moduledata$Module
multiExpr=data #this is the expression data
colorList = colorsmodule # this is the list of modules
system.time( {
mp = modulePreservation(multiExpr, colorList, referenceNetworks=1,
nPermutations = 1000,
networkType = "signed",
randomSeed = 2905,
verbose = 4,
indent = 0)
but it gave the error:
Error in multiExpr[[set]]$data : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
Timing stopped at: 2.15 0 2.17
Which I assume is because it is looking for two sets to compare? Should I just subset my data to say just 5 samples and input this? Or is it just not possible to test for robustness in this case?
Best wishes,
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