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I am attempting to do differential gene expression analysis on kallisto aligned data from the TOIL project. I want to use tximport
to summarize the transcript level data to the gene level. The format of the abundance and count files is a matrix with ENST transcript IDs as rows and sample names as columns. I am wondering how I can use tximport
to summarize these transcripts to the gene level given that the data is not in the classic kallisto format. If it is not possible to use tximport
, how should I summarize the transcript IDs to gene names?
recount 2 does not use kallisto, does it? And recount does offer genelevel counts, so what's the point?
Sorry, I misspoke. The data was from the TOIL project and was aligned using kallisto. It was accessed from the UCSC XENA browser. I updated my post with these corrections.