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I am working on time course data with replicates. My dataset looks like the following: WT: 6 timepoints with 3 replicates each KO: 6 timepoints with 3 replicates each RE: : 6 timepoints with 3 replicates each Total: 54 samples. I have the following questions:
- While performing WGCNA, should I do it for separate genotypes or should do it together. Note: The data available in under this dataset is TMM normalised and given in three separate tsv files.
- Can I use this TMM normalised data for outlier detection or should I directly go for network construction (i suppose there is no normalization step required, as it is already normalized).
- The gene ids had some duplicates, i removed the duplicates by taking the entries with max expression values, is this the right way to do it.
- Should I perform any other steps before constructing the network.
- When I performed WGCNA directly with the TMM normalized data, I ended up getting 49 modules (soft_threshold=18, mergecutheight=0.25), is this normal? It would be really helpful if I someone answers these questions. Please provide some good resources or tutorials for the same. Thank you
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