Unable to restore chromosome sequence lengths or other metadata in BSgenome.Mfascicularis.NCBI.6.0
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Genevieve • 0
Last seen 13 hours ago
United States


I was using BSgenome.Mfascicularis.NCBI.6.0 genome for the Signac multiomics tutorial. It was working fine until the I was trying to change the name of the chromosomes to match the GTF I have (macFas6-hg38-gencode.v47.basic.sortedgtf).

This code worked before

mf_genome <- BSgenome.Mfascicularis.NCBI.6.0

# see 1st chromosomes

# see how many base pairs are in chromosome 1

# chromosome 1 had 223606306 base pairs. 
# if you look at the chromsosomes table on bottom of page, chromsome 1 is 'CM021939.1' and it has 223606306 base pairs (no longer working???)
# also lists the gc content % for each chromsome

But then when I tried to change the chromosome names...

# # Store mapping in R as vector
# chr_map <- c(
#   "1" = "CM021939.1", "2" = "CM021940.1", "3" = "CM021941.1",
#   "4" = "CM021942.1", "5" = "CM021943.1", "6" = "CM021944.1",
#   "7" = "CM021945.1", "8" = "CM021946.1", "9" = "CM021947.1",
#   "10" = "CM021948.1", "11" = "CM021949.1", "12" = "CM021950.1",
#   "13" = "CM021951.1", "14" = "CM021952.1", "15" = "CM021953.1",
#   "16" = "CM021954.1", "17" = "CM021955.1", "18" = "CM021956.1",
#   "19" = "CM021957.1", "20" = "CM021958.1", "X" = "CM021959.1"
# )
# # Get the original chromosome names
# original_chr_names <- seqnames(BSgenome.Mfascicularis.NCBI.6.0)
# original_chr_names
#  # [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10" "11" "12" "13" "14" "15" "16" "17" "18" "19" "20" "X"
# # Check which names need to be changed (need to remove NA's from here --- rest of the scaffolds that aren't chromosome 1-20 or X)
# new_chr_names <- chr_map[original_chr_names]
# new_chr_names
# #            1            2            3            4            5            6            7            8            9           10           11           12           13
# # "CM021939.1" "CM021940.1" "CM021941.1" "CM021942.1" "CM021943.1" "CM021944.1" "CM021945.1" "CM021946.1" "CM021947.1" "CM021948.1" "CM021949.1" "CM021950.1" "CM021951.1"
# #           14           15           16           17           18           19           20            X
# # "CM021952.1" "CM021953.1" "CM021954.1" "CM021955.1" "CM021956.1" "CM021957.1" "CM021958.1" "CM021959.1"
# # Keep only non-NA values ( chrom 1-20 & X)
# # new_chr_names <- new_chr_names[!is.na(new_chr_names)]
# # # Remove NA values to ensure lengths match
# # valid_indices <- !is.na(new_chr_names)
# # original_chr_names <- original_chr_names[valid_indices]
# # new_chr_names <- new_chr_names[valid_indices]
# #
# # # Confirm lengths match
# # length(original_chr_names) == length(new_chr_names)
# # Assign the new chromosome names
# names(BSgenome.Mfascicularis.NCBI.6.0@seqinfo) <- new_chr_names
# # Error in `seqnames<-`(x, value) :
# #   length of supplied 'seqnames' vector must equal the number of sequences
# # Verify the update
# seqnames(BSgenome.Mfascicularis.NCBI.6.0)

   1                                        2                                        3                                        4 
                                      NA                                       NA                                       NA                                       NA 
                                       5                                        6                                        7                                        8 
                                      NA                                       NA                                       NA                                       NA 
                                       9                                       10                                       11                                       12 
                                      NA                                       NA                                       NA                                       NA 
                                      13                                       14                                       15                                       16 
                                      NA                                       NA                                       NA                                       NA 
                                      17                                       18                                       19                                       20 
                                      NA                                       NA                                       NA                                       NA 
                                       X                    Super-Scaffold_100058                    Super-Scaffold_100060                    Super-Scaffold_100064 
                                      NA                                       NA                                       NA                                       NA 
                   Super-Scaffold_100065                    Super-Scaffold_100066                    Super-Scaffold_100068                    Super-Scaffold_100069 
                                      NA                                       NA                                       NA                                       NA 
                   Super-Scaffold_100072                    Super-Scaffold_100073                    Super-Scaffold_100078                    Super-Scaffold_100080 
                                      NA                                       NA                                       NA                                       NA

It removed all the other metadata. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling BSgenome.Mfascicularis.NCBI.6.0 & BSgenome but it doesn't recover the seqlengths or the other metadata that was originally there.


 [1] "CM021939.1" "CM021940.1" "CM021941.1" "CM021942.1" "CM021943.1" "CM021944.1" "CM021945.1" "CM021946.1" "CM021947.1" "CM021948.1" "CM021949.1" "CM021950.1" "CM021951.1"
[14] "CM021952.1" "CM021953.1" "CM021954.1" "CM021955.1" "CM021956.1" "CM021957.1" "CM021958.1" "CM021959.1"

I tried this too linked here. The metadata that was originally in BSgenome.Mfascicularis.NCBI.6.0 is no longer there and I can't restore it? I succesfully changed the chromosome names I needed and created a subsetted BS genome object called new_genome but again I no longer have seqlength info, etc

# hack from https://support.bioconductor.org/p/83588/  to keep only some chromosomes within a BSgenome object.
keepBSgenomeSequences <- function(genome, seqnames)
  stopifnot(all(seqnames %in% seqnames(genome)))
  genome@user_seqnames <- setNames(seqnames, seqnames)
  genome@seqinfo <- genome@seqinfo[seqnames]
# load macfas6 NCBI BSgenome object
# assign to R object called genome
genome <- BSgenome.Mfascicularis.NCBI.6.0
# check if seqlengths info is in original genome
#  1  2  3  4  5  6
# see how many base pairs are in chromosome 1
# Error in if (length(ans) != seqlengths(x)[[user_seqname]]) { :
#   missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
# # Store mapping in R as vector
chr_map <- c(
  "1" = "CM021939.1", "2" = "CM021940.1", "3" = "CM021941.1",
  "4" = "CM021942.1", "5" = "CM021943.1", "6" = "CM021944.1",
  "7" = "CM021945.1", "8" = "CM021946.1", "9" = "CM021947.1",
  "10" = "CM021948.1", "11" = "CM021949.1", "12" = "CM021950.1",
  "13" = "CM021951.1", "14" = "CM021952.1", "15" = "CM021953.1",
  "16" = "CM021954.1", "17" = "CM021955.1", "18" = "CM021956.1",
  "19" = "CM021957.1", "20" = "CM021958.1", "X" = "CM021959.1"
# create new R object called gew_genome with only chromosomes 1-20 & X
# this is the new BSgenome object
new_genome <- keepBSgenomeSequences(genome, names(chr_map))
seqnames(new_genome) <- chr_map
# print out
# | BSgenome object for Crab-eating macaque
# | - organism: Macaca fascicularis
# | - provider: NCBI
# | - genome: Macaca_fascicularis_6.0
# | - release date: 2020/03/10
# | - 936 sequence(s):
# |     1                                        2                                        3                                        4
# |     5                                        6                                        7                                        8
# |     9                                        10                                       11                                       12
# |     13                                       14                                       15                                       16
# |     17                                       18                                       19                                       20
# |     ...                                      ...                                      ...                                      ...
# |     tig00001423_obj                          tig00001424_obj                          tig00001425_obj                          tig00001428_obj
# |     tig00001430_obj                          tig00001431_obj                          tig00001432_obj                          tig00001433_obj
# |     tig00001434_obj                          tig00001435_obj                          tig00001436_obj                          tig00001437_obj
# |     tig00001438_obj                          tig00001440_obj                          tig00001441_obj                          tig00001442_obj
# |     tig00001443_obj                          tig00001444_obj                          tig00001445_obj                          tig00001446_obj
# |
# | Tips: call 'seqnames()' on the object to get all the sequence names, call 'seqinfo()' to get the full sequence info, use the '$' or '[[' operator to access a given sequence, see
# | '?BSgenome' for more information.
# | BSgenome object for Crab-eating macaque
# | - organism: Macaca fascicularis
# | - provider: NCBI
# | - genome: Macaca_fascicularis_6.0
# | - release date: 2020/03/10
# | - 21 sequence(s):
# |     CM021939.1 CM021940.1 CM021941.1 CM021942.1 CM021943.1 CM021944.1 CM021945.1 CM021946.1 CM021947.1 CM021948.1 CM021949.1 CM021950.1 CM021951.1 CM021952.1 CM021953.1 CM021954.1
# |     CM021955.1 CM021956.1 CM021957.1 CM021958.1 CM021959.1
# |
# | Tips: call 'seqnames()' on the object to get all the sequence names, call 'seqinfo()' to get the full sequence info, use the '$' or '[[' operator to access a given sequence, see
# | '?BSgenome' for more information.
#            1            2            3            4            5            6            7            8            9           10           11           12           13           14
# "CM021939.1" "CM021940.1" "CM021941.1" "CM021942.1" "CM021943.1" "CM021944.1" "CM021945.1" "CM021946.1" "CM021947.1" "CM021948.1" "CM021949.1" "CM021950.1" "CM021951.1" "CM021952.1"
#           15           16           17           18           19           20            X
# "CM021953.1" "CM021954.1" "CM021955.1" "CM021956.1" "CM021957.1" "CM021958.1" "CM021959.1"

# Seqinfo object with 21 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths:
#   seqnames   seqlengths isCircular genome
#   CM021939.1       <NA>       <NA>   <NA>
#   CM021940.1       <NA>       <NA>   <NA>
#   CM021941.1       <NA>       <NA>   <NA>
#   CM021942.1       <NA>       <NA>   <NA>
#   CM021943.1       <NA>       <NA>   <NA>
#   ...               ...        ...    ...
#   CM021955.1       <NA>       <NA>   <NA>
#   CM021956.1       <NA>       <NA>   <NA>
#   CM021957.1       <NA>       <NA>   <NA>
#   CM021958.1       <NA>       <NA>   <NA>
#   CM021959.1       <NA>       <NA>   <NA>
# see 1st chromosomes
# CM021939.1 CM021940.1 CM021941.1 CM021942.1 CM021943.1 CM021944.1
#         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA
# see how many base pairs are in chromosome 1
# Error in if (length(ans) != seqlengths(x)[[user_seqname]]) { :
#   missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

I tried manually adding the sequence length info in the seqlengths column of the new_genome BS genome object using chromosomes info I retrieved from NCBI for Macaca_fascicularis_6.0 here, but I still wan't able to add tha to the BS genome object.

# Read the TSV file (assuming tab-separated and columns: seqname, length, gc_content or gc_count)
seq_info <- read.table("~/macaque_multiomics/macfas6_ncbi_sequence_report_chromosomes.tsv", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Check column names to ensure correct assignment

# Print column names

 [1] "Assembly.Accession"      "Assembly.unit.accession" "Chromosome.name"         "GC.Count"                "GC.Percent"              "GenBank.seq.accession"  
 [7] "Molecule.type"           "Ordering"                "RefSeq.seq.accession"    "Role"                    "Seq.length"              "UCSC.style.name"        
[13] "Unlocalized.Count"       "Sequence.name" 

# Extract chromosome names from BSgenome object
bs_chroms <- seqnames(new_genome)

# Subset seq_info to only include relevant rows
seq_info_subset <- seq_info[seq_info$GenBank.seq.accession %in% bs_chroms, ]

# Check structure
head(seq_info_subset[, c("GenBank.seq.accession", "Seq.length")])

#tried assigning sequence lenghts to new_genome
# Convert column types 
seq_info_subset$GenBank.seq.accession <- as.character(seq_info_subset$GenBank.seq.accession)
seq_info_subset$Seq.length <- as.numeric(seq_info_subset$Seq.length)

# Create a named vector for sequence lengths
seq_lengths <- setNames(seq_info_subset$Seq.length, seq_info_subset$GenBank.seq.accession)

# Assign sequence lengths to BSgenome object
seqlengths(new_genome) <- seq_lengths

# Error in .check_new2old_and_new_seqinfo(new2old, value, seqinfo(x), context) : 
#   seqlengths() and isCircular() of the supplied 'seqinfo' must be identical to seqlengths() and isCircular() of the current 'seqinfo' when replacing the 'seqinfo' of
#   a BSgenome object

I kept getting the same error when trying many different ways to add the sequence lengths to the BS genome object. Is it true that once a BSgenome object is created, you cannot directly modify the seqinfo slot, including the seqlengths? I don't know why the original BS genome object BSgenome.Mfascicularis.NCBI.6.0 doesn't have any metadata besides chromosome names even after unloading & reloading object. I've also tried uninstalling and reinstalling BSgenome.Mfascicularis.NCBI.6.0 and the BSgenome R packages but no luck.

BSgenome.Mfascicularis.NCBI.6.0 • 29 views

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